Are you at risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
If there is a family history of OSA and you are male between 40 and 70 years of age, your risk is increased.
If you are overweight or obese, particularly with central body fat deposition you are at risk.
A large neck girth (over 17inches in males and over 16 inches in females) puts you at risk.
A receded jaw puts you at risk as well.
In addition, it is suspected that genetics, smoking, menopause, alcohol use before sleeping and nighttime nasal congestion puts one at risk of OSA.
Signs and symptoms of OSA include;
loud habitual snoring
nocturnal pauses in breathing
choking and gasping noises at night
excessive daytime sleepiness
Outcomes of untreated OSA and/comorbid conditions;
problems with daytime functioning
daytime sleepiness
motor vehicle crashes
psychological problems
decreased cognitive function
reduced quality of life
high blood pressure
heart attack
congestive heart failure