1 min read
Comparison of Three Mandibular Advancement Device Designs in the Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Retrospective Study
Study Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of three mandibular advancement device (MAD) designs in terms of apnea-hypopnea index (AHI),...

1 min read
Exploring the Link between Sleep Quality and Temporomandibular Disorders
Sleep quality plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. In recent years, researchers have been increasingly...

1 min read
Weight reduction and the impact on apnea-hypopnea index: A systematic meta-analysis
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is strongly associated with obesity. While the relationship between weight reduction and apnea-hypopnea index

1 min read
Hospital Dentistry: Willingness to Treat IndividualsLiving with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities(IDD) Under General Anaesthesia
In addition to financial and physical barriers in accessing care, people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)...

1 min read
Oral appliance therapy vs. positional therapy for managing positional obstructive sleep apnea
Aim: To assess the efficacy of positional therapy and oral appliance therapy for the management of positional obstructive sleep apnea....